10 Movies That Terrify You (But Definitely Shouldn't)

2. The Labyrinth

It's a cheesy 80s movie featuring a rockstar and a bunch of puppets: so what is it that makes The Labyrinth so damn frightening? Well, first there's the fact the entire movie is based around one theme: child abduction. Now there's a solid base for one profoundly upsetting "kids" film if we every heard one. Sarah and Jareth the Goblin King are both as horrible as each other: she banishes her baby brother Toby to the goblins and Jareth happily kipnaps him. Their story turns into some sort of disturbing romance, as Jareth's desperate plea at the end sums up:
€œI ask for so little, just let me rule you and you can have everything you want. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.€
What the actual...? As if the fact this man is shoving his obscenely prominent junk in Hoggle the dwarf's face at every available opportunity wasn't weird enough. Alas, there's no denying The Labyrinth isn't a masterpiece; so despite all the distressing, confusing and frankly terrifying moments, it's totally worth watching... repeatedly.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell