10 Movies That Terrify You (But Definitely Shouldn't)

1. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

We're probably not qualified to be discussing this movie; because we've never actually seen it clearly. You know, due to the fuzzy haze of traumatised tears it manages to draw from us every single time. Okay, come on - we're all adults here, so let's talk about this rationally. Remember when E.T gets sick, and the Government (without any warrant, by the way) barge into the family's home dressed in horrifying hazmat suits and snatch the withered alien? And they didn't label this a horror movie? Please. The image of E.T ill and grey still haunts us to this day, especially when he's on the operating table, arms outstretched, shouting "ELLIOOOOOTT!" You'd think the weird-looking extra-terrestrial creeping about cornfields would be the thing that frightened us the most, but no. Those white tents, doctors and all the creepy Government sh*t it involved 100% ruined us for life. God damn it, E.T. And now it's probably best you pour yourself a strong whiskey to drown the horrors of your old VHS tapes from your harshly-awakened mind. What other classic "PG" movies still freak you watching them today? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell