10 Movies That Terrify You (But Definitely Shouldn't)

5. Signs

So it's rated 12A, or PG-13 in the US. As a grown adult, a 12A-rated movie definitely should not deprive one of sleep for weeks. We understand the mild thriller aspect was intentional, but come on, this should have been classified for an older audience. Yeah, there's no boobs or swear words throughout the film, but that doesn't mean your kid won't be scarred for life due to the freaking horror the Hess family go through. First we see Mel Gibson's character's wife pinned to a tree by a truck, which channels into our unrelenting fear of death as both a child and a grown-up. What really sticks with you after watching this movie, though, is the god damn video taken at the children's birthday party in Brazil. When that alien steps out from the bush our stomachs leapt up through our mouths and landed on our damn laps... and that was at 24 years of age. Tin foil hat, anyone?
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell