10 Movies That Terrify You (But Definitely Shouldn't)

4. The NeverEnding Story

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfdIlD4VF-Q The only part of the video above that hasn't been edited is the child throwing the book at the end. Falkor really was that creepy, and even as adults, we totally lose our sh*t at this scene. If that wasn't enough to eat away at your fragile youthful mind: there was the horse that miserably drowns in the Deadly Swamps Of Sadness and leaves you weeping in absolute terror. Remember that? No, you probably don't... and that's called repression. Let's not forget Gmork in all this. Despite the dodgy animatronics, the beast's startling reveal was so intense that we spent the rest of the movie praying he wouldn't show up again. Decades on, and our mind still goes to dark, dark places when we think of Gmork's glowing eyes and hungry, drooling mouth in that cave. Gmork is a representation for the darkness of our unconsciousness - he doesn't just want to crush young children's bones - he's an insidious metaphor that lurks in the deep recesses of our mind; stalking and waiting. Mommy, we're scared.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell