10 Movies That Accidentally Made You Love The Villains
1. Star Wars - Darth Vader
There are few characters who are remembered more fondly than Darth Vader. Never before has a villain seen so much focus within a franchise and it’s unlikely to happen again. Even with more impressive Sith lords, such as Darth Maul, being introduced down the line, Vader remains the most iconic character in cinema today.
It’s only after Disney took control of the Star Wars IP that the franchise dared to move away from Vader. Kylo Ren has managed to steal hearts in the newer films, but will never compare to the original big bad.
Despite having minimal screen time in A New Hope, the impact of this mysterious villain was felt straight away. The short amount of time he appeared was all that was needed, with that imposing suit and a few force chokes. Every move he makes is calm and calculated, showing that his true power is his intelligence rather than brute strength and the incredible voice performance of James Earl Jones served to add to Vader's formidable presence.
As the franchise progressed, Vader’s character became much more complex. The Empire Strikes Back shows much more of the abilities he possesses, while the prequel trilogy delves deep into his backstory. The final scenes of Return of the Jedi gave us a fitting send off for the character, after Luke has desperately tried to save his father from evil. The removal of his helmet to show us the fragile face of a dying old man brought a level of humanisation to the Sith lord, ensuring many tears were shed as he passed.