10 Movies That Actually Benefited From Bad Acting

1. The Wicker Man

Wonder Woman 1984 Gal Gadot
Warner Bros.

Neil Labute's 2006 remake of the classic horror film The Wicker Man is one of the strangest pieces of cinema you'll ever see. Panned by critics and audiences upon release, it additionally received five Razzie nominations, including a Worst Actor nod for Nicolas Cage.

Cage's performance is something, for sure. It's as though he took one look at the script and decided "F**k it," delivering a bonkers, madcap performance that completely uncouples the film from any sense of reality or genuine suspense.

And yet, The Wicker Man remake is also a terrible movie that would've quickly been quietly forgotten were it not for Cage's campy trainwreck of a performance.

Instead, Cage's cartoonish work has effectively allowed the film to live on as a trashy disasterpiece and, indeed, a long-standing Internet meme.

Years later, Cage admitted that the film was "absurd," and claimed that his performance was intentionally over-the-top to that effect.

Is it good acting? Not a chance, but to the same token, it's a performance that basically transcends traditional markers of quality acting.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.