10 Movies That Actually Benefited From Bad Acting

6. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 1984 Gal Gadot
Warner Bros.

While many protested Gal Gadot's initial casting as Wonder Woman on the grounds that her slender physique didn't fit the more traditionally muscled conception of the character, others questioned whether the inexperienced Fast and Furious star had the acting chops to do the part justice.

And in 2017's original Wonder Woman solo movie, Gadot was certainly lucky to be taking part in a well-written, solidly directed superhero flick while surrounded by a strong ensemble cast.

Much like Arnold Schwarzenegger Gadot isn't an acting natural, and it's clear watching her performance as Diana Prince in Wonder Woman that she's massively out of her depth.

Her line readings feel stiff and odd, and yet, that's ultimately quite perfect for an alien learning to live among humanity for the first time.

There's a quirky charm to her misplaced, fish out of water vibe that perfectly aligns with Diana's journey throughout the film, in effect disguising the fact that she's just not a very good actress.

Unfortunately the sequel, Wonder Woman 1984, quickly exposed Gadot's lack of acting finesse by presenting us with an apparently more confident, assertive Diana which Gadot simply failed to persuade as.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.