10 Movies That Are Terribly Racist About Aliens

6. Plan 9 from Outer Space

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ukRYsYPmo This is commonly regarded as one of the worst movies ever created. It also is incredibly racist against aliens. If you pay attention to the plot -- and not just laugh at the wonderful gun safety protocol -- you might realize that the aliens aren't really out to kill humanity. They're really out to stop the eradication of the entire universe. Plan 9 wanted to be a political satire like The Day the Earth Stood Still, but, unlike that classic, Ed Wood didn't know how to write a good plot. Humanity in his films have developed a weapon that can turn the sun into a universe-death explosion thanks to light molecules -- yeah, did I mention this film was stupid? After you remind yourself light is made of photons, not molecules, you'll realize that the movie is actually really depressing. Alien saviors come down to Earth, try to help save us from ourselves, and we kill them all in cold blood. And this is a happy ending! How dare those aliens try to save our skins? America! Grrr! Had we cooperated with the aliens, and maybe accepted that they knew something -- ha! Nah, who're we kidding? Light molecules? How did these guys even learn to reanimate the dead if they knew less about matter than a sixth grader?
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?