10 Movies That Are Terribly Racist About Aliens

5. ET

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7-2PB4jj2o This family film features a boy an his alien. He keeps the thing a secret from the world because bad things would happen if people knew an alien existed. Let's be fair: Elliot just wanted to keep his lovable, intelligent, sentient pet all to himself. Sure, he tries to help ET go home, but never once in the film does he really try to think about ET's home life, what he's like, what his world is like, etc. All Elliot knows about ET is that A) he's enigmatic and B) it's funny when he messes around with Earth things. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's acceptable for one child to be a privileged piece of scum, even if he doesn't realise it. However, the moment humanity discovers poor ET, it's straight to the dissection room for him. ET is an intelligent creature, and yet the scientists just treat him like an animal. They never bother to communicate with him. They just want to run tests. First off, these scientists are stupid, since this could potentially spark the first galactic war between planets. However, what's even stupider is that dissecting the alien will teach them very little compared to what they'd learn by communicating with the alien. And Elliot tries to save his "friend," the same way a boy might want to rescue his pet dog from being put to sleep.
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?