10 Movies That Bombed So Hard They Killed The Sequel

3. Power Rangers

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Anyone with even the vaguest knowledge of the Power Rangers is fully aware that the source material is one of the cheesiest and most ludicrous things that ever convinced a generation of schoolchildren to regularly try and karate kick their friends in the face on the playground, so quite why the 2017 reboot took itself so seriously is beyond comprehension.

Only Elizabeth Banks seemed to get how inherently silly the concept is and pitched her performance as such, while the rest of the cast played unassuming, forgettable and straight-faced heroes. There were hints to the glory days of the Mighty Morphin' era, but the filmmakers almost seemed embarrassed by it, as if it would ruin the 'dark and gritty' aesthetic they were aiming for.

The head of studio Lionsgate said he could see them making 'five or six or seven' Power Rangers movies, but in the end they only made one after a less-than-stellar box office performance. Inevitably, another reboot is officially on the way under new ownership at Hasbro, who at least can't hide their intentions that they're making it specifically to sell toys to kids.


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