10 Movies That Changed Because Of A Director’s Bad Behaviour

3. Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four thing
20th Century Studios

Released in 2010, Chronicle was a found footage superhero thriller which soon catapulted its stars, screenwriter, and director to fame overnight.

Fortunately for film fans, said stars were indie darlings Michael B Jordan and Dane DeHaan, both of whom went on to star in increasingly impressive projects in the years which followed.

Unfortunately, the film’s writer and director were Max Landis and Josh Trank. Whilst the serious allegations against Landis saw him publicly disowned during the #MeToo movement, Josh Trank’s absurd antics on the set of 2015’s Fantastic Four soon saw the film seized by the studio.

Not that their cutting was able to salvage this laughable dud.

Where Trank envisioned a dark deconstruction of the superhero genre, his own co-writer wanted the opposite approach. Trank soon barred him from meetings with the studio - meetings which would address Trank’s erratic behaviour, his very public battle with his landlord, his persistent script changes, belligerence toward star Miles Teller, constant additions to the already stretched budget and more.

It’s no surprise that Trank wouldn’t make another movie until 2020’s Capone.


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