10 Movies That Changed Hugely From The Trailers

2. Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad Sean Penn
Warner Bros. Pictures

Ruben Fleischer's largely forgotten 2013 crime thriller nevertheless presented a solid first impression, with its glossy, star-studded trailers promising fast-talking gangsters, sexy femme fatales and a wealth of brutal action.

The May 2012 trailer prominently featured a set-piece where gangsters fired machine guns through a cinema screen, which became a major point of contention two months later following the Aurora, Colorado cinema shootings.

Because the pivotal nature of the scene meant that it couldn't be removed without comprising the third act, Warner Bros. opted to re-shoot the shootout in a new Chinatown setting, causing the film to be delayed by four months.

Though the bulk of the film remains fully in tact from the early marketing, it's fair to say that the new set-piece ultimately fell short of the visual pep teased by that original cinema shootout. It was the right decision from a PR perspective, for sure, but artistically? Not likely.

Sadly the scene wasn't included on the movie's home video release, and Fleischer subsequently suggested it would probably never be released.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.