10 Movies That Changed Other Movies

2. Mission: Impossible - Fallout Was Responsible For Justice League's Mustache-Gate

Mission Impossible Fallout Justice League Henry Cavill
Paramount & Warner Bros.

And now for perhaps the single most insane and damaging degree of influence a single movie has ever had over another.

During post-production on the original Joss Whedon version of Justice League, Henry Cavill was summoned back to set for reshoots, while in the middle of filming his villainous role in Mission: Impossible - Fallout.

This presented quite the logistical and technical challenge for Warner Bros., given that Cavill had grown out a bushy mustache and stubble for the Mission: Impossible role, and was contractually forbidden from shaving it until production was complete.

Though Fallout director Christopher McQuarrie agreed to let Cavill shave the 'tache in exchange for $3 million from Warner Bros. to restore the facial hair digitally, Paramount executives vetoed the idea.

As a result, Warner Bros. had no choice but to shoot Cavill's new Superman scenes with the Mission: Impossible mustache in place and then digitally remove it in post-production.

The results were not good, to be kind: from the very first moment we see Cavill in Justice League's opening phone footage, it's painfully clear that his lower jaw has been replaced with uncanny valley VFX.

"Josstice League" was widely ridiculed for this, all while Mission: Impossible - Fallout went on to score the series' best reviews and box office to date. Yikes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.