10 Movies That Completely Switched Genre Halfway Through

6. The Babysitter

From Dusk Till Dawn Quentin Tarantino George Clooney Salma Hayek

The Babysitter is the best-reviewed movie of McG's entire career, with the director usually associated with big-budget and generally terrible studio blockbusters finding a new lease of creative life in the most surprising of places thanks to Netflix's low-budget horror comedy.

All of the setup leans so heavily into the established formula for the teen comedy that the eventual descent into madness comes spectacularly out of the blue, as a 12 year-old kid with a crush on his babysitter discovers that along with all of her impossible-attractive friends, she just happens to be part of a devil-worshiping cult intent on making a sacrifice.

It might come out of nowhere, but the tonal change ultimately makes sense in the context of the movie as The Babysitter reveals that the influences on its sleeves are less John Hughes and more John Carpenter.


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