10 Movies That Completely Switched Genre Halfway Through

7. The Prestige

From Dusk Till Dawn Quentin Tarantino George Clooney Salma Hayek
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watching The Prestige for the first time, you get drawn in by Christopher Nolan's meticulous attention to detail and an intriguing mystery narrative that seems poised to answer more and more questions as the story progresses, but eventually we discover that the movie is a lot more than just your standard period piece.

The rivalry between Hugh Jackman's Robert Angier and Christian Bale's Alfred Borden gets more and more intense, and with each new reveal we're as stumped as the magicians themselves as to how they keep pulling off such impressive feats of both personal and professional sleight-of-hand.

The introduction of David Bowie's Nikola Tesla hints that something more fantastical is afoot, and the twists and turns don't stop coming as The Prestige heads deeper and deeper down the sci-fi rabbit hole.


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