10 Movies That Completely Wasted Awesome Twists

5. It's All A Test - The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner Ending.jpg
20th Century Fox

Like Divergent but for boys, The Maze Runner was one of countless Hunger Games rip-offs that constructed an entire futuristic society around competing teens for incredibly contrived reasons. This one's "ingenious" idea was that the kids were trapped in a maze and had no memories, providing all the conflict and motivation for a whole trilogy.

So what is the maze? Well, it's basically a test of the teens and their ability to be able to be candidates for some drug testing that can save humanity from a plague, or something. It's not very clear, because despite figuring it all out being the primary goal of the first film, it chose to only broadly allude to all that before entering right into a "this was just the start", sequel-bait ending that only sparked more questions.

The (marginally better) sequel on exacerbated things, vaguely resolving the original's dangling plot threads in a matter of minutes before switching to a totally different track. The thing is, a new generation immune to disease being used like lab rats is intriguing by itself, and much better than the more standard evil corporation versus resistance arc The Maze Runner has transformed into; a bit more time spent on its core, titular concept would have gone a long way.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.