10 Movies That Completely Wasted Awesome Twists

4. Lex Knows Who The Heroes Are - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman V Superman Lex Luthor Jesse Eisenberg.jpg
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman V Superman's biggest crime is totally mucking up the fight between Batman and Superman, and given it's the title bout that's a pretty big deal. Most of the actual skirmish is basically two schoolkids punching each other and it's resolved with one of the most inane observations imaginable. Although that's nothing on the motivation.

After an hour-and-a-half of legitimate build-up, Lex Luthor undercuts everything we've seen and reveals it's all been him; he was behind the desert attack, he was sending Bruce those letters, he had Martha (shudder) kidnapped. Fair idea, but it does mean Bats wants to kill the Kryptonian because of a misunderstanding and Supes doesn't want to be there and hang on a second, Lex knows both Bats and Supes - secret identities?

That's massive, shifting the status quo of the DC universe and posing some serious implications for any Lex-involved plots in the future. And yet the film skips over it like it's nothing, a self-imposed barrier to the good stuff (and, once again, the fight is not the good stuff anyway).

It feels a little perfunctory to talk about Batman V Superman's missed opportunities at this point, but when it spent so much time on things that were pedantic, dull or unnecessary yet couldn't even give this ground-breaking idea an extra minute to be expanded upon, it's even more of a waste.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.