10 Movies That Completely Wasted Awesome Twists

4. Humanity Is Willing Our Own Destruction - Tomorrowland

Tomorrowland Hugh Laurie.jpg

Tomorrowland is a movie so in love with itself it falls apart. The first hour-and-a-half is an extended recreation of the marketing, with teases of glorious future cities of clean, gleaming towers and Britt Robertson repeatedly asks 'no seriously, stop stalling, what is Tomorrowland?' The film explicitly asks you to stop questioning the logic of cinema and just be amazed, yet Damon Lindelof's narrative stalling is so tired by this point it never feels earned.

It spends so long building up the question of what Tomorrowland is that when we finally get there through some of the most eye-rollingly hand-wavy logic ever committed to celluloid (or rather digital, because this 50s throwback still need to be all done in computers), there's absolutely no time to focus on what is actually some really great subtext for a blockbuster based on the fevered predictions of Walt Disney.

Turns out Lindelof and Brad Bird came up with this idea of how our obsession with dystopia is driving us towards destruction. In the film it's augmented by psychic waves or something, but as a mirror to our own society the suggestion is one that feels incredibly pertinent to the current state of cinema and the world we live in.

Because the film couldn't manage to instil the audience with wonder and so rushed the explanation, the impact was lost, however, and we were left with one of the most spectacularly bland films of recent years.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.