10 Movies That Didn't Understand What The Fans Wanted

6. World War Z

ghostbusters reboot

World War Z ended up scoring bafflingly decent reviews from critics and a thoroughly undeserved $540 million worldwide, because Brad Pitt + zombies is a swing that just can't miss, apparently.

Even before we go into the film's notoriously troubled production, many fans were immediately upset that it decided to adapt Max Brooks' source novel in name only, effectively using the name branding to tell a depressingly generic zombie apocalypse tale.

Between its lame characters, occasional unintentional hilarity and cynically neutered PG-13 rating, it was a film broad, simplistic and forgettable in every way that Brooks' novel wasn't.

The film's budget ballooned in post-production when a new ending was shot, after Paramount executives felt that the more politically-charged original finale, with Pitt fighting his way through zombies in Russia, would hurt its international box office.

For both fans of the book and those who love grisly zombie movies, World War Z was a rare film that appeared to show active contempt for its target demographic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.