10 Movies That Ended Way Too Early

1. Candyman

Will Smith Men In Black 2

But by far the most egregious offender in recent memory has to be the new Candyman.

At just 91 minutes in length, one of the most common criticisms about the film has been its rushed pacing and the fact that it abruptly ends just when it does something truly exciting.

Fans of the original film spent basically the entire movie waiting for Tony Todd to make his appearance as the original Candyman, Daniel Robitaille, only for him to have a seconds-long cameo in the final scene.

It really felt like there was a whole other act of the movie waiting to happen, as while the climax sees the Candyman briefly slaughter a fleet of bent cops, it would've been hugely satisfying to see the final reel play out as a more extended massacre of the police.

Just imagine the scene in The Terminator where the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) mows down an entire police station of cops, but with the Candyman slashing his way through them instead.

As an angry riposte to the epidemic of blue-on-Black violence in America, it would've been a cathartic and hugely daring moment, but instead the film shuts down just when it starts going somewhere interesting.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.