10 Movies That Ended Way Too Early

2. 300

Will Smith Men In Black 2
Legendary Pictures

Zack Snyder strikes again, this time with his ludicrously entertaining adaptation of Frank Miller's comic book 300. Though technically speaking the film ends the same way as the source material, it feels like a modest misstep in both regards.

The film ends with the conclusion of the iconic Battle of Thermopylae, where the brave army of 300 Greek soldiers are finally overcome by the much larger Persian army, resulting in Spartan King Leonidas' (Gerard Butler) death.

The scene then shifts to a year later, with Dilios (David Wenham), the new head of the Spartan Army, leading the Spartans in a battle against the Persians at Platea.

But just as we seem to be gearing up for one hell of an epic final battle, the outcome - which, historically, was a Spartan victory - is never shown on-screen, only merely implied by Dilios' pre-battle speech.

It's certainly a neat ending, but considering this thing is about a half-hour shorter than your average Snyder film, there was clearly room for one final, blood-soaked battle to ensure audiences were sent home fully satisfied.

Restraint is often a great thing in cinema, but in a Zack Snyder movie about soldiers with impossibly chiselled abs fighting endless anonymous Persian goons in eye-watering slow-mo? Not a chance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.