10 Movies That Gave Just The Right Amount Of Backstory

6. Kill Bill

V For Vendetta

Introduced to us by being shot in the head after a confession that her baby belongs to a man named Bill, The Bride’s backstory is the ultimate carrot dangling in front of us. The greatness in Kill Bill lies in its differences from many films on this list. The backstory, the narrative told behind this bloody revenge plot across the world, slowly intertwines with the mainline plot. However, before we can be truly satisfied by The Bride's murder of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, we need to know what they did, how they did it and why.

The film gives us this but in Tarantino fashion. There’s no rush. As you can imagine from a film split into two volumes, it’s quite a slow burn. We learn about Beatrix Kiddo, as well as cool little reveals about the death squad she’s after. For example, an incredible animated segment showing O-Ren Ishii’s origin.

Pacing is where the two volumes really make their impact. The films have time to linger. We see events from different years in The Bride’s life, such as an extensive training sequence.

Some films benefit from ambiguity. However, with Quentin Tarantino, we’re treated to a detailed, finely tuned narrative that brings all its pieces together for ultimate satisfaction.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.