10 Movies That Had MASSIVE Tomatometer Drops

8. It Chapter Two

Wonder Woman 1984
Warner Bros.

Initial Score: 84%

Final Score: 63% (21% drop)

Expectations were through the roof for It Chapter Two, after the first part of Andy Muschietti's Stephen King adaptation scored a rapturous 86% with critics.

Many were nevertheless aware that the second half of King's novel would be decidedly more challenging to adapt to the big screen, and so tempered their anticipation.

Yet the first batch of reviews seemed to suggest there was nothing to worry about, with the sequel totting up an encouraging 84%, just a fraction shy of its predecessor's reception.

But in the days that followed, It Chapter Two dropped 21% down to just 63%, bringing it within spitting distance of being rated Rotten. Ultimately, many complained that the film was both too long and failed to recapture the mood of Chapter One.

Not a bad movie by any means, but just a moderate disappointment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.