10 Movies That Had Much Better Endings They Didn't Use

1. The Beginning Of The End - The Terminator

True Romance
Orion Pictures

The major revelation of 1984's The Terminator - aside from the fact that Arnie looks incredible in the buff - is that Kyle Reese, the man sent back in time to protect future human leader John Connor, is actually Connor's father.

Basically, he does the nasty in the past-y with Connor's mum, Sarah. Get in there, lad!

This moment was almost mirrored in an ending that would have revealed the true origins of the entire series' main antagonist.

After Sarah and Kyle defeat the Terminator, a clean-up operation begins at the factory where the final battle went down. However, a group of men in suits hide the machine's remains from the police.

It is later revealed that these men work for Cyberdyne Systems, the company behind Skynet and the Terminators in the future.

This would have been great. Not only did this movie's events result in the birth of John Connor, but also in the creation of his greatest foe. It would have tied everything up in a nice little bow, rounding out the series continuity perfectly.

Well, until all the modern sequels and prequels came along. Somebody should go back in time and terminate those.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.