10 Movies That Had Much Better Endings They Didn't Use

2. Humanity Is Doomed - The Birds

True Romance
Universal Pictures

Alfred Hitchcock's masterful avian thriller, The Birds from 1963 will make you think twice the next time you go to feed the pigeons.

The premise of the movie is simple; birds start attacking people, seemingly at random, forcing human beings to take shelter from their aerial assailants.

The movie already has an iconic ending, which sees the central Brenner family tentatively escape as dozens of birds silently watch them. However, this already-impressive visual could have been even better.

Hitchcock wanted his masterpiece to end with a long shot of San Fransisco's famous Golden Gate bridge covered in birds. Not only would this have been something to see, but it would have been the perfect statement ending to the movie - humanity is out and the birds have taken over.

Quite how Big Alf planned to do this is uncertain, considering most of the feather fiends used in the movie were real. Was he going to cover the bridge in breadcrumbs? Somehow, we don't think he'd have gotten away with that.

Imagine how great a bird-covered bridge would have looked in this film's final moments, though. Ah well, the ending we got was pretty good, so no harm done.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.