10 Movies That Had Much Better Endings They Didn't Use

4. Zod Lives - Man Of Steel

True Romance
Warner Bros.

The biggest criticism often levelled at Superman is that he's boring, that his good guy persona often comes across as preachy more than anything else.

That's what makes him so exciting, though, because when he does break his moral code, it really means something. Unfortunately, the makers of 2013's Man of Steel missed this point entirely.

After an epic battle with fellow Kryptonian Zod (still one of the funniest names for a character meant to be taken seriously), Supes kills his enemy in brutal fashion, snapping his alien neck.

You could argue that the hero had no choice, as Zod was threatening to murder an innocent family. However, just hear this pitch out.

Another ending to Man of Steel would have seen Superman spare Zod's life, instead returning him to the Phantom Zone. What if Clark Kent wasn't forced to kill at this point in time, instead saving that moment for much later.

Superman's first kill would have been way more impactful if audiences had gotten to spend more time with him before watching it. However, this is the DCEU we're talking about. Doing things way too quickly is kind of its specialty.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.