10 Movies That Had Much Better Endings They Didn't Use

3. A Sympathetic Villain - I Am Legend

True Romance
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the most famous alternative endings in modern cinema history, this crescendo would have radically changed the way audiences thought about 2007's I Am Legend.

It would have started with Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) pinned down by a group of Darkseekers, just like in the theatrical cut. However, instead of killing himself to allow Anna and Ethan to escape, this version of events would have taken a much more complicated turn.

See, Neville had recently developed a cure for the infection that turned humanity into a bunch of angry zombie bois. He tested this cure on a female Darkseeker, one with a very prominent butterfly tattoo.

During the ending melee, the alpha male Darkseeker of the pack chasing Neville smashes the glass separating the two. This forms a pattern - a butterfly - and the doc finally puts two and two together.

The Alpha isn't trying to kill Neville, he just wants his mate back. This completely changes Neville's understanding of the creatures, whom he previously believed to be unfeeling husks of humanity.

A much more thought-provoking ending to be sure, but this one wouldn't have featured a giant explosion, so...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.