10 Movies That Have Shunned Comic-Con 2015

1. Captain America: Civil War

Two big comic book movies will arrive in the first half of 2016 featuring superheroes going to war with each other. The real battle however will be between Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Captain America: Civil War, as both Marvel and Warner Bros. will no doubt be hoping to come out on top both with critics and at the box office. That's the real war! Despite rumours that Marvel simply doesn't have enough finished footage to present at this point, that's never stopped them before, and even just a panel with the directors and a select few cast members would have no doubt left fans talking for weeks after this event. However, with Marvel not holding any sort of panel at the event, the best fans can now hope for is that a cool new piece of concept art will be given out on the Comic-Con floor. Why Marvel would allow Warner Bros. to grab everyone's attention with a big Batman v Superman presentation is hard to say, but it may come down to the fact that the studio no longer feels like they need Comic-Con, while their Distinguished Competition does. If Marvel really want to hype Civil War this year, they can do so by just hosting another Marvel Event.
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