10 Movies That Improved On History By Blatantly Lying

5. Apocalypto

Apocalypto Mel Gibson's take on the Mayan civilisation is visually stunning, delightfully gory and trip-wire tense. It's also a load of nonsense if you speak to any authorities on Maya (I was lectured by one at University and he professed the film was "entertaining guff"); the film reduces them down to being a relatively barbaric folk who did little but oppress women (especially pregnant ones) and perform human sacrifices to the Sun god. Though these rituals did happen, the fact that the film does little to depict the culture beyond that received some flak. Simply, it's an easy one to let go because this film is so goddamn cool. The stakes are what make the film so thrilling to watch - the thought that if Jaguar Paw doesn't stop running, he and his family are going to be roasting on the spit by dinner time. If it were simply a case of him being admonished and maybe jailed for a little while, the film's taut through-line would actually seem awfully slack, no?
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.