10 Movies That Made Time Travel Look Like A Bad Idea

6. You Will Have To Endure Awkward Social Situations

star-trek There are not many social situations I find more irritating than when somebody invites themselves to your house or to a party. Can you imagine if somebody invites themselves back to your time instead of staying in the 1980's where their hair belongs? This is the fate that poor old James T. Kirk had to endure when all he wanted was to grab himself some whales, he couldn't really say no to the girl as she had just helped them steal the aforementioned whales, but things are just going to be awkward when they get back to Kirk's time. She would be asking all these annoying questions, the equivalent of having someone running around your house and asking what this "iPad" contraption is. That would get old real quick. Avoid awkward conversations by leaving people in their own time.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist