10 Movies That Made You Root For Monsters

7. Mrs Doubtfire – Daniel Hillard

Fight Club Tyler Durden Brad Pitt
20th Century Fox

You can kind of see where Mrs Doubtfire’s Daniel Hillard is coming from. Going through a rough divorce and hardly ever getting to see your kids would take its toll on anyone. That said, the way he goes about getting back into his family’s life is a little unconventional to say the least.

Not only does Daniel deceive his ex-wife and children by posing as an aging, matronly Scottish lady to get back in the family fold he also attempts to sabotage Miranda’s relationship with new beau Stu Dunmire even going so far as to try and off the competition by seasoning Stu’s food with pepper which he just so happens to be allergic to.

If it weren’t for a last-minute attack of the conscience, Daniel could’ve been charged with murder or at least attempted murder. Even Fathers4Justice would think that was a little extreme.

Daniel Hillard – devoted dad or dangerous psychopath?

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Fight Club
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