10 Movies That Made You Root For Monsters

6. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Ferris Bueller

Fight Club Tyler Durden Brad Pitt
Paramount Pictures

Watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off as a young’un its protagonist comes across as an aspirational character – a carefree, affable young lad just trying to live in the moment and stick it to the man as best a teenager can. But re-watching Ferris as an older, uglier and wiser adult he’s more a brat and a rebel without a cause than anything else.

While Ferris’s authority-defying streak might seem that of a typical teen, what exactly is it that he’s rebelling against? He’s got great parents and a loving girlfriend, lives in a beautiful house in a very nice suburb and still sees fit to manipulate those around him so he can ditch school for a day.

His blatant disregard for the educational system aside, he’s pretty sh*tty to his supposed best friend Cameron too. Sure, it might look like Ferris’s mission is to help Cameron out of a depressive spell by encouraging him to act out a bit but cajoling him into stealing his dad’s super expensive, super rare car (which ends up at the bottom of a ravine by the end of the film)? That’s not carefree fun, that’s grand theft auto.

In retrospect, Ferris’s actions all seem a little self-serving making him seem like a cool and spontaneous kind of guy while others around him take the fall for the havoc he caused. The little sh*t.

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Fight Club
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