10 Movies That Made You Root For Monsters

4. Fight Club – Tyler Durden

Fight Club Tyler Durden Brad Pitt

When we first meet Tyler Durden he’s such a sharp contrast to The Narrator and his drab, grey life of nine-to-five drudgery we’re instantly intoxicated as is The Narrator, who technically is captivated by himself – or at least his less savoury alter ego – given that he actually is Tyler Durden.

Mind f*ck plot aside, with his confident swagger, couldn’t give a damn attitude and his never-ending repertoire of mottos exposing the failings of modern society designed to appeal to lost Generation X-ers it’s hard not to be taken with Tyler Durden.

But is Durdenism really the solution to society’s problems? Is beating up your fellow man for no good reason the answer or just the warped fantasy of a violent nihilist? And then there’s the small matter that blowing up lots of buildings technically makes him a terrorist too. I think I’d rather keep buying crap I don’t need from Ikea, thanks all the same Tyler.

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Fight Club
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