10 Movies That Made You Root For Monsters

5. Titanic – Rose DeWitt Bukater

Fight Club Tyler Durden Brad Pitt
20th Century Fox

It’s probably true that there was enough room for two on that door raft and that Rose inadvertently killed Jack but let’s backtrack a little bit. Even before allowing her bit on the side to freeze to death in the icy Atlantic waters, Rose was a bit of a brat.

Sure enough, her betrothed Cal may have been a rich, arrogant bastard but he was willing to save her and her mother from poverty. Not to mention that Rose cheated on him with Jack which is a pretty awful thing to do even if your fiancé is a tw*t.

In all fairness though, Rose was in her teens when she survived the Titanic so it’s probably fair to cut her a bit of slack for her youthful indiscretions. But it’s not like she got any better with age and experience either.

We learn that she went on to have an amazing life doing all the things she and Jack talked about doing and at sometime married and had kids, yet there’s nary a family picture in her collection of treasured photos – most are just of her looking gorgeous and doing exciting things. And then when she dies, it’s Jack she meets up with in heaven. What about the man you spent your life with and had children with, Rose? Remember him?

Worst of all though is Rose chucking that priceless necklace into ocean. That thing could’ve set up her family for generations or could’ve at least been donated to a museum or something. But thoughts like that probably don’t cross the minds of narcissists like Rose.

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Fight Club
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