10 Movies That Massively Over-Performed At The Box Office

7. The Da Vinci Code

American Sniper Bradley Cooper
Columbia Pictures

After Dan Brown's pulp thriller sold over 80 million copies following its release in 2003, a feature film adaptation was virtually a foregone conclusion. Even though 2006's Da Vinci Code movie was dull as sh*t and wasted most of the fantastic cast in what turned out to be little more than a generic big-budget genre flick, the source material was so culturally relevant at the time that it did huge box office numbers.

Opening to $77m domestically, The Da Vinci Code would go on to earn an astonishing $758.2m worldwide to become the second biggest hit of the year behind the billion-dollar success of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Many in the industry were claiming that the movie's success was little more than a fluke and based on the performances of sequels Angels & Demons and Inferno, they were right.

The following two installments in the franchise simply couldn't come anywhere close to replicating the success of the original and suffered from a similarly-tepid critical response to boot. The Da Vinci Code's status as a box office anomaly is confirmed by the fact that it comfortably made more money during its theatrical run than the two sequels combined.


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