10 Movies That Mock You For Paying Attention

3. Wrongfully Accused

Tyler Durden Fight Club
Warner Bros.

An absurdly fast-paced spoof from Naked Gun star Leslie Nielsen, 1998's Wrongfully Accused takes the premise of the Harrison Ford vehicle The Fugitive from a few years earlier and uses its conceit as a launching board to parody pretty much every major movie from the entirety of the nineties.

This mile-a-minute spoof includes parodies of Braveheart, Baywatch, and Mission Impossible, taking constant diversions from its supposed focus to spoof another well-known property from the decade. Like 1996's Spy Hard, it's a messy and uneven comedy but its heart is in the right place and the film is elevated by a typically game turn from Nielsen in the starring role.

It's also another movie that takes a leaf out of The Simpsons' jokebook by poking fun at anyone willing to pay attention to credits.

When most viewers have flicked off the film, anyone who sticks around for the closing credits of this one will be treated to a few minutes of normal credits, followed by the category "People Nobody Cares About"... At which point the text scrawl throws up a stream of names, suddenly moving far too fast for any viewer to pause and keep up with.

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