10 Movies That Mock You For Paying Attention

2. Frozen

Tyler Durden Fight Club

As anyone familiar with the Walt Disney Corporation can tell you, if there's one thing that the House of Mouse takes very seriously it is litigation in its many forms. Which makes this joke hidden in their 2013 smash hit Frozen even more unexpected and surprising.

The film probably needs no introduction. That said, for any readers without anyone under the age of twelve in their life, Frozen sees Disney retell the Snow Queen as a story of two sisters, one of whom learns she can control the weather by magic whilst the other is sent on an adventure to retrieve her from self-imposed exile.

It's a cute story of family which features a sweet romance between Kirsten Bell's heroic princess and her likeable love interest Kristoff.

However, viewers who play close attention to the film's credits will be rewarded with an, er, unexpected declaration from the company as they state that "the views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the film that all men eat their own boogers are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers. Neither The Walt Disney Company nor the filmmakers make any representation of the accuracy of any such views and opinions."

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