10 Movies That Need A TV Spin-Off

9. Men In Black

This one would be a piece of cake to pull off, given that the world is so vast, and there's so much potential to explore. Granted, the most likeable aspects of the films, Agents J and K (played by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones) would have to be jettisoned, but if the casting department can get some new agents to fill their shoes, this has multi-series success written all over it. It would likely play out in a relatively episodic "freak of the week"-type format, where each episode has the agents hunting down new aliens, but if the likes of Buffy and Smallville have proven anything, it's that people love episodic content, and are willing to commit to watching up to about 200 episodes of it. Given the pre-built audience for something like this being huge, it has a lot of potential to be a smash hit, all the more when you consider that it wouldn't need to have gratuitous swearing or nudity, and so a more conservative network like FOX could pick it up, if they can handle what would be considerable visual effects costs.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.