10 Movies That Picked The Wrong Twist

6. Terminator Salvation

The Matrix Reloaded Neo
Warner Bros.

The Twist We Got

As was pointlessly spoiled by the movie's marketing, mid-way through the fourth Terminator film we learn that Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) is actually a human-hybrid cyborg.

And at film's end, Marcus lays down his life in order to keep John Connor (Christian Bale) alive, allowing for his heart to be transplanted into a dying John.

The Twist We Wanted

Shortly after Salvation's release, director McG revealed two alternate twist endings for the movie that didn't make the cut, yet both of which would've steered the flagging series in a bold and intriguing new direction.

Firstly, Salvation was going to end with John Connor dying, but in order to maintain his status as the iconic figurehead of the human Resistance, his skin would then be grafted onto Marcus, effectively allowing Connor to live on as Marcus-in-disguise.

The idea of the Resistance leader secretly being a man-machine hybrid would've been a deliciously ironic - if undeniably divisive - way to close things out.

The other, even ballsier ending, went further by not only having Marcus assume a deceased John's identity, but once Marcus/"John" was in the presence of the Resistance's high command, Skynet's programming would kick in and have him murder the lot of them.

Skynet wins, and we cut to black. The End.

It's of course easy to see why a franchise hoping to leave the audience eager for a glut of sequels didn't pick either of these endings - especially the latter one - but considering the sorry state of the Terminator series for the last 15 years, it would've probably been a tender mercy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.