10 Movies That Pissed You Off Straight Away

7. Estella's Mother Is Killed By Dalmatians - Cruella

Eternals Jolie

Cruella may not have been a particularly good film, but it hardly turned out as disastrously as many expected, even if its opening prologue sequence almost persuaded otherwise.

The movie begins by speedily chronicling the early life of young Estella (Emma Stone), culminating in a traumatic incident which would seemingly set her on a path to becoming the iconic Cruella de Vil.

Estella's impoverished mother Catherine (Emily Beecham) stops off at a lavish party to ask for money, at which point Estella accidentally attracts the attention of three Dalmatians, which end up knocking her mother off the edge of a cliff to her death.

This scene immediately caused countless viewers to groan, that Estella's transformation into a Dalmatian-hating villain is caused by something as predictably prequel-y as their causing her mother's death. It's about the laziest thing a writer could do in a Cruella de Vil prequel.

However, the film cleverly subverts this expectation later on, when it's revealed that the Dalmatians didn't actually kill Estella's mother intentionally, but were commanded by the evil Baroness (Emma Thompson).

And the movie even goes one step further by ditching Cruella's whole killing-Dalmatians-for-their-fur shtick, seemingly sensing that the character would simply be impossible to sympathise with if she went this route.

Even so, this prologue left fans fuming from the outset, leaving them to stew in their rage for a good hour before finally learning the truth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.