10 Movies That Pissed You Off Straight Away

5. The Underwhelming Opening Disaster - Final Destination 3

Eternals Jolie
New Line Cinema

Say what you will about the first two Final Destination movies, but they absolutely kicked off with tantalising opening catastrophes - a devastating plane crash and brutally dynamic highway pile-up respectively.

Final Destination 2's car wreck remains arguably the highlight of the entire series - a Rube Goldberg-style smattering of twisted metal, broken bodies, and yes, a giant free-falling log.

The third film had a lot to live up to with its opening sequence, then, and setting it on a doomed rollercoaster certainly had plenty of potential, which was sadly entirely squandered.

Even if you can accept Final Destination 3's painfully long-winded setup, the rollercoaster accident itself a mess of awfully goofy CGI and mostly unremarkable deaths, which can't even begin to hold a candle to the creativity and sharp execution of the second film's cataclysm.

It at least ensured expectations were lowered for the rest of the movie which, fittingly, is a good deal worse than its predecessors, despite a couple of decent kills.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.