10 Movies That Pissed You Off Straight Away

3. ChloƩ Zhao Fails To Exploit Pink Floyd - Eternals

Eternals Jolie
Marvel Studios

Eternals was undeniably one of the most disappointing films of last year - with Oscar-winning director ChloƩ Zhao at the helm, expectations were through the roof that she would deliver one of the strongest MCU offerings to date.

Yet it didn't take long for fans to clock that something was off, because even if you can forgive the opening minute-long wall of expository text, Zhao infuriatingly misses a wide-open goal in the film's first five minutes.

After the Eternals rescue a group of ancient Mesopotamian humans from the Deviants, Sersi (Gemma Chan) transforms one of their flint daggers into a more durable one and hands it to one of the tribe's children.

The implication is that this triggers the next step of human technological progress, a point hammered home by the use of Pink Floyd's all-timer track "Time."

As the song builds to its crescendo over the Marvel Studios opening titles, it seems like Zhao is about to cut to a montage of human progress, showing how that interaction resulted in hundreds of years of advancement.

But instead, she cuts to... the present day, where Sersi is working in London. Talk about a massively missed opportunity, and a totally obvious one at that, to perfectly pair one of the greatest songs of all time with a montage that would've solidified the Eternals' impact on humanity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.