10 Movies That Promised More Than They Could Deliver

9. Public Enemies

public-enemies5 This isn't the last time Michael Mann appears on this list as his real-life tale of infamous outlaw, John Dillinger bored everybody in the cinema to death. All the parts were assembled, a great director, Johnny Depp not wearing silly costumes, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, an underrated supporting cast including Stephen Graham, Jason Clarke and Stephen Dorff and a great story perfect for the screen. Public Enemies should have been a roaring crime thriller with interesting subtext and great actors doing what they do best, but it was so dour. It takes an astounding level of skill to make a movie that stars two of the greatest screen talents of their generation and John Dillinger as boring as this is. It long outstays its welcome at 143 minutes and nobody is given anything interested to do. Marion Cotillard is a great screen presence yet is wasted, and the movies' best moments are when she is on screen. Bale and Depp also reign things in so tightly it's impossible to care for either man as they're left underdeveloped and therefore it's impossible to cheer for either man in their cat and mouse game. Considering the level of talent involved, Public Enemies is just plain lazy and what should have been an awards contender becomes a throwaway late night action flick.
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