10 Movies That Promised More Than They Could Deliver

8. Alice in Wonderland

alice in wonderland Tim Burton has had a very up and down career. He's made classics such as Ed Wood, Corpse Bride and Big Fish but his failures such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Planet of the Apes and Mars Attacks hinder his legacy and sadly Alice in Wonderland belongs in the latter mentioned category. Burton was ideal for a reimagining of Louis Carroll's most famous work, he was going to bring a twisted darkness and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter to the project and as Burton is one of the few people with enough madness to be on the same wavelength as Carroll, hopes were really high. At the very least, the visuals were expected to be stunning and Burton was supposed to make a case for the usefulness of 3D, but the colours were jarring and distracting and the 3D was incredibly lacklustre and the whole thing looked badly thought out. Johnny Depp gives one of his most bland and boring performances as what is essentially Jack Sparrow in different clothes. He injects none of his charisma into the movie and looks as if he's just there for the cheque. Louis Carroll's universe possesses so many fantastic creations it can be hard to give them all significant roles and that's a big part of why Burton's adaptation fails - all the exquisite details are brushed over which isn't helped by a terrible plot and unforgivable ending. Alice in Wonderland looked like it was going to be so great, the promise of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter was mouth-watering, but the movie failed and it failed badly, being one of the biggest disappointments of 2010.
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