10 Movies That Promised More Than They Could Deliver

4. The Matrix Revelations and Revolutions

the-matrix-revolutions-5047326695fd0 The Matrix was one of the very best films of the 90's and completely changed the sci-fi and action genres. It was intelligent and intellectually complex, but that didn't get in the way of some of the most breathtaking action scenes ever committed to celluloid. The Wachowski brothers, however, didn't seem to see what made the first movie just so great. The two sequels - released in the same year - were two of the most anticipated films of the previous decade. The original was magical and hopes were extraordinary high for the sequels, but there was faith that the Wachowski's could pull it off. The promise was great, but sadly the Wachowski brothers' patronising self-righteousness was even higher. The dazzling action sequences were no more - replaced by philosophical exposition, which went to new levels of patronising banality as the movies progressed. By the time the trilogy is finished you have long stopped caring for the characters. All the promise of the first film wasted so the Wachowski's could preach tedious A-level philosophy whilst doing nothing interesting with it. The climatic confrontation between Neo and hundreds of Agent Smith's sums up The Matrix trilogy perfectly - starts off with exhilarating intrigue but boredom eventually takes hold and calling it an anti-climax would be an understatement.
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