10 Movies That Promised More Than They Could Deliver

3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull-billboard-600x300 Harrison Ford may have been the wrong side of sixty and George Lucas' reputation was not as sterling as it once was, but nobody expected to be crushed quite like they were upon viewing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was Spielberg, he doesn't fail when doing adventure movies and all Indy had to do was crack a quip and his whip and everybody would go home happy. But he didn't even do that. The additions of Ray Winstone and Shia LaBeouf were misguided to say the least and the scene where LaBeouf eyes Indiana's hat having to refrain from roaring "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH IT!" in the middle of a packed cinema. Much of the criticism of Indy 4 is levelled at the inclusion of aliens and the infamous hiding in the fridge from a nuclear blast scene. But frankly, the film is lost long before then. The CGI was really bad, which even if everything else in the film sucked, one would think Spielberg and Lucas would at least make it look good. Harrison Ford looks far too old to be an action-adventure hero these days and his lack of chemistry or spark with any of the supporting cast grinds the movie to a halt before it has even started. Great franchises can survive many obstacles - changing cast members, different directors, creative differences - but not the touch of George Lucas. And it's not the last time he features on this list either.
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