10 Movies That Promised More Than They Could Deliver

2. The Godfather Part III

Godfather-III To this writer, the first two Godfather movies are the two finest pieces of cinema ever made. They encompassed everything that is great about movies. They had everything. Revisiting the classic franchise sixteen years later was always going to be a bad idea, even though Francis Ford Coppola returned to direct and Al Pacino agreed to portray Michael Corleone one last time. Promise and expectation was going to be impossible to avoid and that inevitably worked heavily against the film, especially hardcore fans of the first two. It's not just a pale imitation of the first two classics, it's a fundamentally poor movie. It's overlong and boring, with the exception of Pacino and Diane Keaton, atrociously acted and the plot is just absurd and nonsensical. Even as standard crime dramas go, this is poor and with the talent involved, it's a nauseating disaster, despite the inexplicable Oscar nominations. The warning signs were there when Robert Duvall turned down the chance to return as family consigliere, Tom Hagen, but the expectation continued to grow and disappointment became inevitable. It's failings are there for all to see, it feels unready, the script is poor and Sofia Coppola should never have been let anywhere near set.
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