10 Movies That Prove Fanboys Should Never Get What They Want

8. Fanboys Allow Themselves To Be Exploited - The Hobbit Trilogy

Fanboys are so enamoured with their given property that they will often allow themselves to be cravenly taken advantage of by enterprising movie studios looking to wring as much money as possible out of them. The most egregious recent example is certainly Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy, which took a novel that's shorter than any of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings books and dragged it out into a three-film, 9-hour saga, using appendices and original material to make it stretch that far. The Hobbit was originally planned as two movies, and though this already felt excessive, dragging it out into three is a patent exploitation of the fanbase. The only thing worse than this is that the fanboys actually let themselves be exploited: they might complain about the cash-grab, but they'll be the first ones in line at the midnight screening of The Battle of the Five Armies this December, because in spite of their better instincts, they just can't get enough of it. The same can be said of the now-popular decision to split the final chapter of any acclaimed novel adaptation (Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games) into two-parts in order to rinse customers of an extra billion dollars. If audiences voted with their wallets this wouldn't happen, but they don't, so it does...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.