10 Movies That Really Needed A Better Villain

9. Ghostbusters (2016)

Justice League Steppenwolf

Whether you found 2016's Ghostbusters a cynical retooling of a classic IP or a pleasant surprise, we can surely all agree that its villain was, well, absolutely terrible.

After the original film dished up the unforgettable Gozer the Gozerian (Slavitza Jovan) and the sequel gave us the iconic Vigo the Carpathian (Wilhelm von Homburg), the third film took a sharp left-turn and settled for...Rowan North (Neil Casey).

Rowan is a loner occultist who ends up releasing ghosts in New York City as revenge against a humanity he now despises, and compared to the more heightened villainy of his predecessors, he just came across as totally bland and unmemorable.

Some fans also felt that Rowan was basically the film trying to hit back at sexist trolls who badmouthed the production before shooting even started, reinforced by the fact that he's eventually vanquished by being shot in the crotch.

Ultimately what this movie needed was a name actor to ham it up in the third act as a larger-than-life villain - not a relatively unknown SNL alum playing a cringe-worthy caricature of male entitlement.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.