10 Movies That Should Have Been Included in the National Film Registry By Now

5. Strangers on a Train

Yes! The registry still needs more Hitchcock! This gem is often overlooked in comparison to his better-known films like Vertigo and Psycho but at times it can be just as suspenseful. The premise of swapping murders could have made for a routine thriller in the hands of a lesser director but Hitchcock exceeded expectations once again. The film also includes an excellent villain in the form of Robert Walker€™s Bruno. You aren€™t sure if he€™s serious about committing murder until he actually goes through with it. And that makes him much more frightening than the typical over-the-top Hollywood bad guy. It€™s one of those performances that€™s worth preserving for all time.
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I am a fan of film, Doctor Who (and sci-fi in general), fantasy, the adventure genre of gaming (the Myst series in particular), making lists and caesar salad.